The Christmas Book That's Not For Christmas

Chances are, when you read this attempt to sell more copies of this Christmas book for children, it will not be Christmas. Not even nearly Christmas, or just gone Christmas. It could be the start of February, the middle of summer, or the end of October. Good. Because they are the times when this Christmas kids' book is designed to be read.

In fact, probably the worst time to read this book about Christmas, is Christmas.
Why? Well, not wanting to give too much away, it's all about finding the spirit of Christmas all throughout the year (aaaaaaahhhh).

Yes, a wonderfully worthy concept, I'm sure you'll agree. If not, here are a few other reasons to buy this book about Xmas:
* It says Christmas on the front, and a few times inside. That very word is enough to raise a smile. I just said it and I'm smiling.
* It won't take you until next Christmas to finish it
* You don't have to save up until next Christmas to buy it
* It rhymes, although there aren't many words that rhyme with Christmas
* It is one of the few children's Christmas books that can be read any time of year. So when your child tells you what they want for Christmas in February, give them this.
* It's a book that's about Christmas, not for Christmas.
* The Christmassy pictures therein have been drawn and coloured by a child - well, that's what it looks like

Thanks for reading, And if it does happen to be Christmas when you're reading this, well, happy Christmas.

You can buy it here

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