How Tricky Coming Up With The Title Of A Novel, How Tricky

How do you come up with the title of your novel? And when? And how do you know you’ve cracked it?

The novel I’m currently on the second draft of writing is proving tricky to name. The name has to fit with the style of the other two titles in the series, both of which came easily:

A Dead Chick And Some Dirty Tricks
A Big Bluff And Some Green Stuff

I know I’m seriously limiting myself following that book title formula. But I’m hoping inspiration will strike as I continue writing.

But how late in the day have you come up with a title of a novel? And do you care if someone else has a novel of the same name?

Kimberley Chambers didn’t seem to mind when she named her 2015 novel The Wronged, the same name I use for my 2013 horror novel. Seems there's no copyright on titles.

I’ve also changed the name of one of my novels AFTER it was published. 

The Diamond Rush was previously called The Money Star. I just felt the fomer was more representative of what the story was about, but I’m pretty sure it’s bad form to rename a novel once it’s out there - one of the benefits of self-publishing of course.

Anyway, it’s back to work on my next novel, currently entitled Name TBC. Hope you’re having better luck naming your novel.